Have you ever wondered
how a Wi-Fi network works? Read it here and unfold the secrets behind working
for Wi-Fi.
What is Wi-Fi?
A wireless technology; which can be used to connect computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices with each-other with the help of a wireless network.
The data is encoded
(translated) into radio signals by the wireless adapter of a computer, and transmits
the same over an antenna. Generally, the transmitting antenna is connected to Local Area Network (LAN) or DSL connection. The signals now are received by a wireless router which decodes
it again to data.
Wi-Fi hotspots- The spots or places with Wi-Fi connectivity
enabled are termed as Wi-Fi hotspots. Here, one can have access to the Internet
through this connection.
Wi-Fi technology is
widely used in providing Internet access to employees of a company, students of
a class, households etc. One of the main and simplest advantage of Wi-Fi is now
we do not need to be limit to the length of wire, in fact, our comfort level
and ‘go-anywhere’ ease has come into existence.
Generally, the Wi-Fi has
a range of signals of about 120 ft indoors while 300 ft outside. However,
ranges may vary depending on the Wi-Fi system you purchase and use. Wi-Fi
networks do not panic us while setting up and also saves the expense on setting
up and wire expansion.
So this was how WiFi works on a system. More information and queries are welcome in comments.
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