What is Noun ?
Definition of Noun:
Noun is the word used to name/indicate a person, place, animal, thing, abstract ideas or emotions.
Noun comes under the Parts of speech.
In space or till infinity, whatever exists(e.g., Sun, Moon, Light, Planets, Earth, Human, Animal or anything) can be given a name, and that particular name is known as Noun.
If you understand what is termed as a Noun actually, you can write its definition in different types too. The main thing is you should understand it.
Forms of Noun:
There are two forms of Noun-
1. Singular Noun- Singular Noun is a noun that refers to a single person, place, animal, thing or idea.
2. Plural Noun- Plural Noun refers to more than one person, place, animal, thing or idea.
· Man, Dog, Chair, Computer, Program, Block, Box etc are the examples of Singular Noun.
· Men, Dogs, Chairs, Computers, Programs, Blocks, Boxes etc are the examples of Plural Noun.
Gender of Noun:
1. Masculine Noun- Masculine Noun refers to any person, place or animal etc with male gender/sex.
· Boy, Man, Father, Uncle, King, Actor, Hero etc come under Masculine Nouns.
2. Feminine Noun- These Nouns refer to any person, place, place or animal etc with male gender/ sex.
· Girl, Woman, Mother, Aunt, Actress, Heroine etc come under Feminine Nouns.
3. Neuter Noun- Nouns which refers to words denoting no sex.
· Tree, Car, Bus, Watch, Table, Chair etc.
4. Common Noun- Nouns that may denote male as well as female, and have no restrictions to genders.
· Cousin, Cook, Driver, Doctor, Colleague, Friend, Teacher etc.
Classes of Nouns:
1. Proper Noun-
Proper Noun is a noun which always starts with first letter as capital. It is used to name a specific person, place, thing or idea etc.
· Ram goes to the McDonalds’ store.
· She was admitted to Sanjeevani Hospital, Mumbai.
2. Common Noun-
Common Noun is a noun that can be used for one also more than one person, place, animal, thing or ideas. It should also be written with its first word in capital letter when applied as the starter of a line or sentence.
· The month of March; and the month of April.
Here, the same word ‘month’ has been used two times, for two different words March & April].
· More words like- cat, dog, book, table, building, city, love, hate etc.
3. Collective Noun-
Collective Noun is a noun that is used to name a group of people, animals, or things etc.
· A colony.
· I read in that class.
· He celebrated his job promotion by partying in a club.
· Etc etc..
Here, in these sentences, ‘colony’ is actually denoting a group of families and people living in a same place. And so with the ‘class’ of many students and ‘club’ etc.
4. Compound Noun-
Compound Nouns are those nouns which are made up of two of more words.
Examples are:
· Heart + Attack = heart attack.
· Self + Interest = Self-interest.
· Grand + Father = Grandfather.
· Sun + Glass = Sunglasses.
· Mother + Tongue = Mother toungue.
· Police + Man = Policeman
· Sports + Man = Sportsman
· And many more..
5. Concrete Noun-
These nouns includes the name to such things which can be felt as well as touched physically.
Simply, the noun which names anything which can be touched, tasted, smelled, heard and seen to us comes under Concrete Nouns.
· Cats, dogs, cars, buses, animals etc.
6. Abstract Noun-
The Abstract Nouns are just opposite of Concrete Nouns. These are the nouns which we cannot see, hear, touch, taste or smell them, we can only feel them.
· Love, hate, faith, liberty, justice, memory, thoughts, ideas, happiness, joy, naughtiness, stupidity etc.
7. Countable Noun-
It can be understood by the name itself. Such nouns which are countable are termed as Countable Nouns. They can be singular as well as plural also.
· A car, two cars, three cars.
· An airplane, two airplanes, three airplanes.
· A book, three books, seven books.
8. Non-Countable Noun-
These are the nouns which cannot be counted. They can be separate objects(plural forms) or mixed ones(having singular form) also. Such nouns are also called as Mass Nouns or Non-Count Nouns.
· Many cars.
· Airplanes.
· Books.
· Tea (a mixture milk, tea leaves & sugar and still a Singular Noun).
· Water.
· Work.
· Etc..
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