Hey Hamster Kombat gamers. On August 24, 2024, Pavel Durov, the CEO and founder of Telegram, was arrested in France, causing waves of concern globally. The Telegram CEO arrest news has brought to light serious allegations against the platform, including its failure to prevent illegal activity like child exploitation, money laundering, and drug trafficking. This arrest, though it happened in Europe, has sparked intense speculation in India, where many are asking, "Is Telegram banned in India?" and "Is Telegram going to be shut down in India?" The Indian government’s increasing scrutiny has fueled news and discussions about a potential Telegram ban in India. With questions like, "Is Telegram banned in India?" gaining traction, the future of the app, which has a massive user base in the country, remains uncertain. As the Telegram ban news in India continues to unfold, many are watching closely to see how the situation with Durov and his partner, Juli Vavilov...
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