Nokia has come with their first Android running Smartphone, Nokia X Android in the Indian mobile market. After the many rumoured or expected release dates for the Smartphone, Nokia has finally launched their Nokia X Android phone on 10th March, 2014 in India and the phone has already reached and available in the major mobile stores and online shopping stores like e Bay India, Snapdeal and Indiatimes Shopping. Let’s have a keen look at Nokia X Android’s features, specifications and price in India. As the states, the worth ₹8499 INR and onwards Nokia X phone comes with a display size of 10.16 cm. The 10.4 mm thick Smartphone has a dimension of 115.5 x 63 mm and weighs 128.7 gram, respectively. If we talk more about its display, it has a Capacitive Nokia Glance screen that supports double tap/touch, with brightness control and orientation sensor. The TrueColor LCD has a display resolution of WVGA 800 x 480 with a pixel density of 233 ppi. Camera and Vide...
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